Promoting Peace to a Culture in Crisis

A movement by this generation to heal our world.

The Problem?
Political Bitterness. Relational Turmoil. Racial Inequality.

These are dark times indeed…

People are more divided, more depressed, and more isolated than ever. Hostility and skepticism are increasing as social polarization rises.

Is there any way to bring peace to the social-cultural chaos of our times?  

We believe there is still hope. We envision a world where a more peaceful society is attainable, and every person is equipped with the power to make this difference.

Our mission is to create a generation of peacemakers. Peacemakers who seek to cultivate healthy relationships and to meet others with love —not just for those who look and think like them, but their neighbors who differ politically, socially, and ideologically.




We don’t need to live silently in an era of darkness, distress, and disagreement. We’re empowered to be a force for change!

When you join Peacemakers Coalition, you’re promoting justice and peace in your community and the world. Indeed, as a Peace Maker, you’ve answered the call for a better world.


Gatherings & Forums

We host high-quality gatherings and forums on college campuses that offer awareness and training to develop students on how to resolve conflict peacefully. Our mediums are primarily dialogues, community building ,and art curated by our artist-in-residence recording artist/author Sho Baraka. 

Good Culture podcast cultivates awareness and civility toward one another. Through the creation of peaceful, pluralistic spaces we strive to bridge the silos that have developed amongst different groups. Tune in to our YouTube channel as we model healthy collaboration and disagreements between students from diverse backgrounds.

Communities of care and action

Our networks function as support for students who seek connections and healthy spaces for community that cares for the other. These relationships are strengthened through service projects that promote justice and peaceful impact around the world.

Many feel the pain of the world — the loneliness, the restlessness, the despair. We’re saddened and angered by what we see around us, yet few among us will accept the call and choose to act.

Peacemakers Coalition gives people the tools they need to change the world — to choose action over apathy, hope over despair.

Have You Been Called To Make A Change?

Good Culture

Abigail Zied


My name is Abigail Zied. I am starting my senior year at Kent State University. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in child psychology and minors in human development and family sciences, Jewish studies, and religion studies. I was raised in a reform Jewish household, and as I have gotten older, I have embraced my Judaism both ritually and culturally by volunteering and getting involved in leadership in the Jewish community.

I love the mission of the Good Culture Project. It is important to hold safe spaces for students of all backgrounds to come together and have important conversations about culture and how it is impacted today. I appreciate how the Good Culture Project aims to bring peace to all people of the world no matter what religious or cultural background they come from. Peace among humanity is a value in many religions and cultures and when we realize that we all have something in common we can focus on our similarities rather than our differences and bring peace to the world.

A core value of Judaism is Tikkun Olam, which means to repair the world. The Good Culture Project is doing just that. Using the voices of diverse individuals to show the world that it is possible to come together and create peace through conversation is just one way to achieve Tikkun Olam.

Stephen Gyesi

African Indigenous Religions

“I am Stephen Gyesi popularly known as Nhyiraba, a graduate and a Vice Chancellor’s Academic Awardee from the University of Ghana with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Information Studies and Study of Religions with First Class Honours, and currently a teaching assistant at the University of Ghana.”

I am from Ghana located on the African Continent and am a practitioner of African Indigenous Religions and I portray religion in all aspects of my life; as John S Mbiti said, “Africans are notoriously religious.”

As a Good Culture Champion, I highly recommend Good Culture Champion program and I see it to be a great initiative to bring unity among people from different cultural and religious backgrounds. From what I have experienced from this initiative, I have come to appreciate the importance of tolerance, togetherness and peaceful co-existence. Looking at the nature of the environment I find myself in, there is a need for unity. For instance, in Ghana there are more than one religion and there are people of different faiths living together, so in a situation whereby one does not understand another person’s faith, his or her attitude towards them may lead to chaos. 

Fortunately, Good Culture Champion program seeks to bring a change by giving opportunities to people of different faiths to showcase their faith and as well teach others the beautiful things about their faiths which will enable outsiders to learn and appreciate other’s faith and as a result, it will lead to tolerance. So therefore, I highly recommend Good Culture Champion program and I hope it reaches its peak by making impact on multitude of nations. I can testify that; Good Culture Champion program has changed me as a person. Because, initially I was ignorant about other faiths due to lack of knowledge about them and for that reason I used to condemn their practices, but now I do such thing no more and all thanks to this initiative.

I truly appreciate those who came up with this initiative because it has liberated many people from religious and cultural abuse in their respective societies. May the Lord bless and replenish them so that they will perpetuate doing the good work. This initiative is having great impact on people and the society at large and I refer to this initiative as a great revolution in human history. Their great service to humanity is commendable, and I am also grateful to them for given me the opportunity to participate in the Good Culture Champion program. It is a great privilege and I promise to give out my best to serve the interest of the group and the people. 

Camille Baker


“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Being a Good Culture Champion has been a blessing in ways that I didn’t know I needed. The conversational space that Good Culture created is one that every community needs to adopt—it’s built upon love, respect, and a genuine desire to hear and understand one another. Because I felt this going into conversations with my fellow champions, I felt a freedom to speak freely about my faith without fear of condemnation and was also incredibly blessed by hearing the opinions, values, beliefs, and experiences of others. 

Good Culture also created a space for challenging, but eye-opening conversations. We discussed things such as persecution for people of faith around the world—a tragedy not often spoken about publicly, or often brushed under the rug in our country/society. I am so grateful that Good Culture reminded me of how important it is to not only discuss these things, but consider our role in addressing them as people of faith. I will definitely carry these thoughts with me as I move forward to the next stages in my life.”

Fight Back Against The Darkness!

And restore the light inside and out that shines when we pursue peace.

Support the world-changing conversations we need — and join Peacemakers Coalition today:

PEAcemaker now


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Empower the

When you join the Peacemakers Coalition, you’re fostering impactful events that reconnect us to what matters most — each other.

Host an Event On Your College Campus

Congratulations! As a Peace Maker, you’ll be helping us create a better and more ethical world.

Renewed Connection

Peacemakers Coalition convenes engaging in peaceful gatherings to comeback isolation and polarization.

Justice and

Peacemakers Coalition empowers redemptive justice through higher consciousness. Because when we see the humanity in each other, equality is necessary.


Peacemakers Coalition equips students with tools for healthy dialogue with others.